Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Hallie Recommends Emotional Intelligence book - Hallie Crawford

Hallie Recommends Emotional Intelligence book You’ve probably heard of this book, I enjoyed it. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. (And I know someone came out with Emotional Genius I have to check that one out next!) This one explains why emotional intelligence (EQ) matters and how you can develop it in yourself. At times the book is more scientific than I would like, but I just skimmed those parts and focused on why EQ matters as much as, if not more than IQ. Having worked in a variety of office environments and coaching clients to help them increase their EQ, I agree wholeheartedly. And someone else agrees… According to Anna Maravelas, author of How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress, we need more EQ. In a recent O Magazine, Maravelas says “Modern civilization is teetering on the brink of an epidemic of emotional idiocy.” She cites an increase in road rage and the emergence of assault insurance of umpires at kids’ sporting events as two examples of how we are becoming more hostile and stressed out. I like the tool she uses to manage her response to conflict or something frustrating: “You can be effective or self-righteous. Pick one. Here’s to raising our collective EQ, Hallie Career Coach

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Resume Writing Services in New York City

Resume Writing Services in New York CityFinding the best resume writing services in New York City is as easy as a search engine. The following steps will give you the inside scoop on where to look for these companies. After reading this article, you should have a general idea about what to look for when looking for a new job. The information in this article will help you in your career search.The first thing you want to do is research which one you feel is the best. With all the opportunities in New York City, you don't want to be one of the thousands of people trying to get a job. The main thing is to have a great resume to show employers when they interview you. These services are only limited by your time and imagination.After that, you need to find a free resume writing service. There are websites that will help you do just that. They are usually free because they don't have to pay for advertising. The job sites like Monster and CareerBuilder also offer free services.By reading a few reviews on their free services, you will be able to get a general idea. This will give you an idea how the resume they have will be. If the company has many reviews, then you should think twice before using them. In other words, it's probably a scam.Once you decide which company to use, the next step is to make sure they have good reviews. The New York Times Company has a great reputation for doing well. They provide free services, which are excellent, and they work hard to keep their customers happy. Their customers can choose to work with them or not. That's a win-win situation. The New York Times Company has helped millions of people from all over the world get great jobs, promotions, and more. Because of this reputation, other resume writing services will feel comfortable asking them for referrals. Since so many people are getting work through the NY Times Company, it's safe to say they will do a great job of hiring you too.Getting a job in New York City isn't hard. If you research and follow the steps described above, you will find the best resume writing services in New York City.